
Well friends and family, I am sad to say that the last time I was on here updating or writing posts was back in August. So much has happened since then. We celebrated one year in Krakow. We started our second year of fall ministry. We said goodbye to teammates and hello to returning ones. We went on retreats, celebrated holidays, visited family, and worked with youth. We brought in the New Year in Prague and returned home to start our last semester of ministry. We started football practices and games and ended Monday Night Football. We celebrated Valentine’s Day, which is when I surprised Stephen by telling him we were pregnant! We had our first doctor’s appointments and ultrasounds. We finally said goodbye to the snow in April and started to welcome spring. We celebrated Traci’s birthday and told everyone else we were pregnant. And now we are in May. We are still doing ministry, still having football games and practices, and still excited every week to see how the baby is growing. We have had such a great time with friends and family and it is hard to believe that come August we will be packing up and preparing to go home. We have no idea what God has planned for our future but we are excited to see. It is amazing how He has worked out every detail so far and we are excited to trust Him the rest of the journey. Thank you for praying for us, encouraging us, and being there for us all along the way. I hope to keep you better updated along with way, but I cannot make any promises.

Almost a year…

Well it is crazy to think that we have been here almost a year! We arrived on the field September 25, 2011. Time has gone by so fast. We have had some hard days and some amazing days. God has blessed us with opportunities to fail, opportunities to succeed, opportunities to miss home, and opportunities to praise Him and the blessings He has granted us with. We really appreciate all of you who have walked this journey with us. As we prepare for this second year we are really trying to find God’s will for our last year. We are desperately seeking His guidance for our ministries this year. What would He like us to? How would He like us to serve? As of today, we are still not 100% sure of what He would like us to do. And some days we are so completely overwhelmed and lost wondering what or where we are supposed to be. God has taught us about prayer, taking big steps of faith, trusting God, and creating a deep relationship with God. Our marriage has been tested and strengthened. Our relationships have also been tested and strengthened. God is so great and gracious and we are so grateful we have had this opportunity. Thank you for praying for us, encouraging us, and supporting us. We really appreciate you. We would not have been able to make it this far without your love, support, and most importantly prayers. You are a vital part of our ministry. Thank you!

It has been a month..

We have been here in Krakow for over a month now. We have
learned how to drive in the city, how to deal with a fender-bender, and how to
get around on public transportation. Through tears and frustration, we have
learned how to shop and cook. We have learned how to contact doctors, function
in the Polish hospitals, and get medicine. We have been extremely blessed in
our encounters with the Polish people having such an amazing opportunity to
create relationships. We have learned that our marriage, our communication, our
life is different and often times harder. But even in the struggles, the tears,
the fears, and the homesickness we have seen God’s loving hand guide us from
one decision to the next. We have seen His loving kindness in the care of our
team here. We have witnessed His Spirit working in the people we have met. And
we have experienced His joy in the little things in life, like a beautiful blue
sky and warm weather. We really appreciate all the ways you have supported us,
from prayers, to letters, to boxes, to encouraging words. We are blessed to
have such an amazing support system. Thank you so much for all you do. As
Thanksgiving approaches, I am reminded that every day is a day we have an opportunity to thank the Lord, not just in November or even on Thanksgiving but every day of the year. And it is amazing how contagious a thankful attitude can be. It
can change your whole outlook on life! We appreciate you, miss you, love you,
and thank God for the blessing you are to us!

Some Updates

Hey Friends and Family,

We made it to Krakow! We have added some updates. We have a new video on our YouTube channel that shows you what our apartment looked like when we first got there. And after we have set everything up, we will put another video up. We have also added our newsletter for September. And a calendar for October. I am trying to work on flikr to get some more pictures up, but sadly I have really been struggling. And we have been posting new blog posts on  http://edworthyedition.blogspot.com/. We still do not have internet at our apartment. So we are using internet at friend’s houses. As soon as we have internet we will be sure to let you all know. And I know a lot of people are waiting for our mailing address. I meant to bring it tonight, but I forgot it. So, we are going to try to email it out tomorrow, Saturday 10-1-11. Thank you so much for your patience. We miss you guys!

Our Webpage

Thank you for your time and patience as we worked on getting our webpage up and running. We have been blessed with an opportunity to create a space to unite all of our communication outlets. As we get closer to going to Krakow, we will have more pictures, videos, and posts. We are so excited to share this journey with you, our partners back home. We really appreciate all your support and prayers through this journey in our life. We are going to keep our blogspot address as well as this address. You will now be able to access our blogspot from the WordPress. Below is a link to our blogspot address. Going forward you will be able to access all our communications through the WordPress.  Please let us know if you have any suggestions or comments. We would love to learn from you. Have a great week!

Our Blog Address: http://edworthyedition.blogspot.com/

Getting Started

Hey friends!

We are just beginning to start our wordpress webpage. We have big dreams and hopes of what we can do with this webpage. With this webpage, we hope to have all of our information located in one spot. We hope to have our blog here, a link to our youtube page, a link to a calendar that tells about the plans we have for that month, and a link for prayer requests and praises. It might take some time to get it all working, but in time we hope it is going to be great! Thank you for your interest and patience. We look forward to sharing our journey with you. Have a great weekend!